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Laser Clinic: How To Avoid A Facelift

Facelifts have become a common cosmetic surgery for men and women. But surgery patients face a number of unwanted effects. Scarring, extensive recovery time, that artificial "stretched" look, and a permanent result that may be unwanted.

Fortunately, newly developed medical alternatives offer results to people wanting look younger without going under the knife.

As a leader in non-invasive cosmetic medicine, Surface specializes in innovative new medical treatments for a youthful lift without the messy and painful recovery. Surface has developed a unique non-surgical facelift for patients looking to gain the dramatic results of a surgical facelift without any of the unwanted side effects. Surface non-surgical facelifts include Thermage Skin Tightening followed by their signature Surface Pointé Lift as the non-invasive, yet exceptionally effective substitute for any surgical facelift.

Thermage is an FDA approved radio-frequency technology that has been proven to tighten and contour the skin and its many underlying tissues without surgery. The treatment has the added benefit of stimulating the growth of new collagen throughout the skin. But there's a caveat. Thermage results are highly dependant upon the way the treatment is administered. Surface has developed specialized protocols that produce results that attract patients from other areas of the country who are looking to achieve maxim results.

Pointé Lifts are just as spectacular. Pointé Lifts were created by specialists in non-surgical cosmetic medicine to replace the traditional invasive facelift. It can also be used for brows, jaw lines, necks, breasts, and even the derriere. They're perfect for the patient who does not want to undergo the harsh effects of a traditional facelift including the associated, frustrating recovery period. Pointé Lifts are a physician procedure that "lifts" the treatment area in exactly the same was as surgical lifts, only there's no surgery. The procedure involves placing a small, special suture under the skin through a tiny needle hole, leaving the skin to smooth with its own tension. The theme here is "No cutting. No stretching. No Stitches. No scars!" Most importantly, Pointé Lifts will not leave the face with that "stretched look" of traditional surgical lifts. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately with only minimal discomfort. Best of all, Pointé Lifts are completely reversible. Most people never knew they could have a fresh, younger lift without the troubles of surgery.

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