Medical Spa MD

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Would you buy a Medical Spa MD book?

Hmmm.... In the last month I've received six unsolicited emails inquiring about or suggesting that I write a guide or ebook about opening a medical spa and/or medspa operations.

When I started Medical Spa MD (at the time it was Medical Spas Online), my intent was to educate physicians who I saw making the same mistakes over and over and had no real sense of what was happening outside their own clinic. I thought I'd make a site and share some of the things I've learned in running and growing Surface. This site will pass 10,000 unique readers from around the world this month and the community is educated and informed.

So, here's a question with the two poll on the right. Would you buy a book from this site?

Easy. Let's do some market research here. This is completely informal of course and I'm just trying to get a sense of if it's worth the effort.