Medical Spa MD

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Medical Spa MD: 8000 monthly visitors

brochure.jpgWow. Medical Spa MD had more than 8,000 unique visitors and 60,000 page views last month. 

I'd like to express my thanks to everyone who submits, comments, or lurks.

While I've been threatened with lawsuits when someone doesn't like what they find here, it's the growing community that makes the upkeep of this site worth it to me. Certainly this is the only place on the web I'm aware of that isn't part of the paid party line.

For those who contribute; Midwest, Dermadoc, Ron Berglund, Dermgal, ChicagoMD, Karen PA-C, MD, Docsocks, Aesthetic RN, Aesthetic Physician, and everyone else who's contributed in any way to this site. Thanks. I know enough to know that I'm not the only voice in the cosmos/

We're actually going to be improving a number of things around here. Medspa Physician Job Listings will be posted in the next few days and there are a number of physicians and medspa owners who've contacted me about possibly writing for this site. Classified listings for or by medspa physicians will be up for 180 days and are completely free.

The Aesthetician to Esthetician Discussion Area has also been opened for aestheticians to ask questions of others.

So thanks, and if you're a lurker, go ahead and comment. If you have an opinion we'll all learn something.