Medical Spa MD

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Dermacare sends Medical Spa MD a cease and desist letter.

Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics sent me a nasty cease and desist letter.

It seems Dermacare objected to their mark on this page where some Dermacare Franchises posted less than flattering comments.

Certainly its every businesses right and obligation to protect their intellectual property. (I've removed the offending image.) It's also true that Dermacare has a reputation of trying to quash anyone who questions their business practices. As DermaDoc says:

"I appreciate the option for more open communication in a confidential fashion, but at least for the time being, I don't want to subject you or us to potential litigation / subpoena action for any type of mis-statements perceived by Dermacare. Corporate is very open about how many cease-and-desist orders and lawsuits have been filed to 'protect their name'."

Good call DermaDoc.

I would have suggested that Dermacare take a different approach and send me a list of happy doctors and plump testimonials. In fact, since I know at least someone at Dermacare reads this...

Open Letter to Dermacare & Dermacare Medical Spa Franchisees 

Dear Dermacare Laser & Skin Care Clinics,
This is an open invitation to send Medical Spa MD any number of physician contacts who are happy franchisees. Here's your big chance. With more than 8000 monthly readers you'll have an opportunity to get your message and testimonials in front of a large number of physicians who are actively seeking information. I will print any current franchisee's opinion as a separate post in it's entirety.

If you are a Dermacare Franchise, please send me a testimonial or comment of support from your corporate email (which I have) and I'll post it as well. (You may of course just comment below if you wish.)

So lets hear from the franchisee's. I'm as anxious as anyone to know if I should change to Dermacare's franchise model.

I wonder if It was Dermacare that sent me this previous email threatening me with imminent criminal sanctions. Hmmm.

I did a search on medical spa lawyers and found that S.Blair is an attorney practicing medical spa law in Arizona... Coincidence?

Here's what S.Blair said:

"The legal information and comments made in this site are wrong. I am an attorney who has been contacted by one of your readers. The reader wants to take legal action against the owners of this blog. You need to have your comments reviewed by an attorney before posting any further blogs."

and an email: "I am an attorney. First, the legal comments and advice you are providing constitutes the practice of law and, thus, you could be facing criminal sanctions. Second, I have been contacted by one of your readers you wants to take legal action against you for improper legal advice. I suggest that you refrain from providing any further legal advice in your blog or have it reviewed by an attorney before posting it."

S.Blair (Unregistered. No profile. Email entered is

My suggestion is still to retain lawyers who don't have hotmail accounts. Is this an X File? Perhaps its that Arizona sun.

PS: Future interactions, threats, letters, or whatever will be posted on this site as well.