Medical Spa MD

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Here's Why Podium Should Be Your Reputation Management Software

Getting positive patient reviews that give an accurate representation of your medical spa's reputation used to be hard. Now it's easy.

Receiving negative patient reviews is a bummer, especially when one of your unhappy patients - perhaps with unrealistic expectations - looks to wreck your reputation online. And it's the angry, unhappy patients who can really damage your reputation because their voice or 'comment' is abnormally enlarged since your happy, satisfied patents are not the ones who most often leave you reviews.

It seems that patient reviews fall in to two camps; friends and family who you beg to give you reviews, and unhappy patients who seem bent on destroying your reputation.

No more.

Podium gives you a super simple way to to gather patient reviews from almost all of your patients and build your reputation on Google, Facebook and other review and reputation sites. (Watch the video above to see how easy it is to request a review.)

There are a myriad of benefits for a continual stream of reviews including:

  1. Increasing your SEO rankings and visibility of your clinic for more patient traffic.
  2. Increasing the number of inbound contacts you're front desk is fielding.
  3. Outbound contacts to your existing patients via text message (a 99% open rate)
  4. Control of your online reputation by gaining a massive influx of patient reviews that more accurately show your actual reputation and lessen the effect of a few unhappy patients.

Check out the Podium special offer for Medical Spa MD Members.

Facebook, Google, word-of-mouth all expand your reach - note that Podium handles this use case as well - but reviews can make or break your reputation and either lead to long term success, or abbreviate your opportunities.

You'll notice on this chart that online reputation is critical for  "Medical / Healthcare" businesses. The reviews that you now have are setting the tone for your new patients since a whopping 87% of consumers - including consumers of cosmetic medicine - now search for even local businesses before they contact them. 

It's often the case that successful clinics are competing in ways that the rank and file don't appreciate, or don't have access to (Asymmetrical Competition), using tools and spending smart money in areas that actually benefit them in the long term rather than just saying yest to the salespeople who walk through the door.

Take a look at the special offer and free setup that Podium is offering to Members.