How to use the Medspa Discussion Areas.

When you post to discussion threads or comments: Please sign with your email and web site address. We would all like to know who's opinion we're reading. No info generally leads to little credibility.

How to post and use the discussion areas.

The discussion areas are the most useful yet underutilized areas on this site. The ability to access multiple points of view on any topic is valuable for anyone wise enough to use it. However, we would all appreciate it if you would use some thought. Posts like these Mesotherapy Horror Posts are not only ridiculous but potential dangerous.

Before you post a question, ask yourself this: Is there an answer other than, 'it depends'. If  the question is so general that there is no answer, you'd better hone your question so that there is.

The areas are defined by topic.

Physician to Physician Q&A is for medical or medical technology questions on a medical provider level.

Medical Spa Business: Q&A is for discussing the business aspects of cosmetic medicine. 

Medspa Legal & Legislation Issues is the thread for anything legal . (See how simple this is.)

The technology threads: IPL Platforms l Laser Platforms l Thermage are for specific treatments or technologies.