Medical Spa Newsletters & Strategic Marketing
I'm guessing that about 40% of medical spas, laser clinics and skin clinics do some form of email marketing or newsletter. Perhaps I'm wrong but that number seems about right to me.
Of course I'd say that about 1% are really using newsletters or email effectively since there's something of a learning cure, it takes a while to create the content, and there's some dilligence involved to actualy take the time to send a consistant strategic marketing message and accelerate sales.
At Medical Spa MD we're about to start publishing something that looks and feels pretty much like a 'medical spa marketing newsletter', but behaves much differently. We'll be using the Sendside Platform to create and distribute what amounts to an interactive, multi-dimensional message.
If you're a Medical Spa MD Member you'll be receiving one of these in the next few days and you'll see immediately what I mean. If you haven't yet joined Medical Spa MD you can do that now. It's free, and there are some really nice downloads in the members only area of the site that you'll have access to. Not convinced? See what Medical Spa MD Members say about us.
As we increase our offerings to Members we'll also be posting about how we're doing, and how we're doing it. We'll be writing about our successes in communication for our partners and advertisers, and when we're not doing so hot. The benefit for Medical Spa MD is that we'll be using our existing Members as well as new visitors as something of an ongoing focus group. (Usually I retch at the use of focus groups to define what you should do, but this one's actually going to work since it will be anonymous, live, and we'll have real numbers to show.)
If you're a Member you'll be able to both see what we're doing, and we'll be showing you how we're doing it. If you wish, you'll be able to replicate it. For our members who are vendors this is particularly interesting since there are a few things that are of particular interest. We'll be posting all of these in the Medical Spa Marketing & Advertising category so you'll be able to read all of the posts there.
We'll all be able to see where this goes.
Medical Spa MD Members get a Podium patient review marketing account and save $1,257
Protect your reputation. Get new patients. Medical Spa MD Members receive a special, full service Podium account that includes: no setup fee (save $300), a 10% discount forever (save $330/year) and on-demand patient review marketing training for your entire staff ($597 value). This offer is not available anywhere else.