Lumenis Ultrapulse Treatments
Lumenis Ultrapulse Recommended Treatment Parameters PDF
Use the download link below to access a PDF that Lumenis just released on the recommeneded treatment parameters for the Lumenis Ultrapulse. Including:
Lumenis Ultrapulse pre-treament guidelines
Physicians may want to consider a skin care regimen prior to treatment including broad spectrum sun block SPF 30+
Topical analgesic may be used according to manufacturer’s guidelines and should be removed prior to treatment
Skin surface shall be thoroughly clean and dry prior to and during treatment
Do not conduct FX treatment if active herpes simplex virus or facial bacterial infections are present
Prescription Medications which may be considered:
- Anti-viral
- Anti-anxiety
- Narcotic analgesic
- TotalFX treatments may consider:
- Antibiotic
- Antifungal
- Facial blocks
Eye Shields shall be wore by the patient
Metallic intraocular eye shields should always be used when treating within the orbital rim
Medications to avoid two weeks prior to FX treatment:
- Acetylsalicylic acid
- All anticoagulants, including nutritional supplements, such as vitamin C and E, flaxseed, fish oil and herbal tea.
Combination therapies considerations:
- Botulinum Toxin Type A may be used to suppress dynamic lines prior to FX treatment
- IPL Photofacial may be conducted prior to FX treatment
- Exfoliate with microdermabrasion may be performed prior to FX treatment to increase absorption of topical anesthetics
- Dermal filler can be injected prior to FX treatments
Lumenis Ultrapulse post-treament guidelines
Patients should apply a bland occlusive ointment to prevent direct contact between the treated tissue and the air during the healing process. The use of an occlusive ointment improves patient comfort, and reduces the sensation of pain and burning by preventing air from contacting the treated region. After healing is completed an intense moisturizer may be used.
- Patient may apply cool compresses immediately after treatment. Some patients report a “hot” feeling which lasts a few hours to a few days.
- They can gently wash area with tepid water and a gentle cleanser 3 times a day starting the morning after your treatment. Then immediately re-apply occlusive ointment for at least 4 days.
- Patient may shower, but avoid hot water/steam on treated area.
- Avoid “picking at” and aggressive scrubbing of the exfoliating skin—allow it to gently exfoliate with the washing process.
- Sleeping with head elevated on pillows (head above heart) the first few nights post treatment can help minimize swelling.
- Avoid direct sun exposure. Apply sun block SPF 30+, after the fourth or fifth day. Sunscreen with titanium oxide, zinc oxide provides broader protection.
- Wear a protective hat the first 2 weeks while outdoors.
- Avoid dirty, dusty environments, hairsprays, perfumes etc. while skin is healing
- May use mineral make-up usually 3 or 4 days after treatment, when skin is healed.