ASAPS 2009 Statistics Are In

In case you don't have easy access to the statistics posted yearly by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, here's the recap of their analysis of aesthetic procedures performed in 2009.

Keep in mind, the survey was performed on plastic surgeons.

  • In 2009, there were approximately 10 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the US. Surgical procedures accounted for 15% of the total with nonsurgical procedures making up the other 85%.
  • From 2008-2009, there was a 2% decrease in the total number of cosmetic procedures performed. Surgical procedures decreased by 17%, and nonsurgical procedures increased by almost 1%.
  • Since 1997, there has been over a 147% increase in the total number of cosmetic procedures performed. Surgical procedures increased by 50%, and nonsurgical procedures increased by 231%.
  • The top five cosmetic surgical procedures in 2009 were: breast augmentation (311,957 procedures); liposuction (283,735procedures); eyelid surgery (149,943 procedures); rhinoplasty (138,258 procedures); and abdominoplasty (127,923 procedures).
  • The top five nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in 2009 were: Botox injection (2,557,068 procedures); hyaluronic acid (1,313,038 procedures); laser hair removal (1,280,031 procedures); microdermabrasion (621,943 procedures) and chemical peels (529,285 procedures).
  • Women had over 9 million cosmetic procedures, over 90% percent of the total. The number of cosmetic procedures for women decreased over 3% from 2008.
  • The top five surgical procedures for women were: breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty and breast reduction.
  • Men had over 900,000 cosmetic procedures, over 9% of the total. The number of cosmetic procedures for men increased over 8% from 2008.
  • The top five surgical procedures for men were: liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, breast reduction to treat enlarged male breasts, and hair transplantation.
  • People age 35-50 had the most procedures – almost 4.5 million and 44% of the total. People age 19-34 had 20% of procedures; age 51-64 had 27%; age 65-and-over had 7%; and age 18-and-younger had 2%.
  • The most common procedures for age 18-and-under were: laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, rhinoplasty chemical peel and Botulinum Toxin Type A (including Botox and Dysport).
  • Racial and ethnic minorities, as of last year, had approximately 20% of all cosmetic procedures, a decrease of 1 percent from 2008: Hispanics, 9%; African-Americans, 6%; Asians, 4%; and other non-Caucasians, 3%.
  • Where cosmetic surgeries were performed: office facility, 58%; hospital, 18%; and free-standing surgicenter, 23%.
  • Of the doctors surveyed, 75% say they do not offer “spa” services (e.g. wraps, facials, massages) in conjunction with their medical practices. 88% of the doctors say they do not work in conjunction with legitimate medical spas where nonsurgical procedures, such as injections and laser procedures are performed.
  • Americans spent almost $10.5 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2009

Figures may not add exactly to totals and percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding.