Put Your Patients To Work (Medical Spa Blueprint)
Put your fans to work
You know those loyal few people who are in the front row every time you perform?
You know those people that sat down to write you an email to say how much they love your music?
You know that guy that said, “Hey if you ever need anything - just ask!”
Put them to work!
Often, people who reach out like that are looking for a connection in this world. Looking for a
higher cause. They want to feel they have some other purpose than their stupid accounting job.
You may be the best thing in their life.
You can break someone out of their drab life as an assistant sales rep for a manufacturing company.
You might be the coolest thing that ever happened to a teenager going through an unpopular
phase. You can give them a mission!
If they're a fan of your music, invite them over for pizza to spend a night doing a mailing to
colleges. Go hit the town together, putting concert flyers on telephone poles. Have them drive a
van full of friends to your gig an hour away. Have the guts to ask that “email fan” if she'd be into
going through the Indie Contact Bible and sending your presskit to 20 magazines a week.
Soon you can send them out on their own, to spread the gospel message of your amazing music,
one promo project at a time. Eventually, as you grow, these people can be the head of “street
teams” of 20 people in a city that go promote you like mad each time you have a concert or a new
Those of us busy busy people may think, “How could ANYone do this boring work?” But there are
plenty of people out there with time on their hands that want to spend it on something besides TV.
Don't forget that to most people, the music business is
pure magic. It's glitter and fame and fantastically romantic.
Working with you might be the closest they get to that magical
world of music. Give someone the chance to be on the
inside circle. Put 'em to work.