Stop Losing Patients - The New Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint (Free Preview)


There are a few known truths in cosmetic medicine. The first is; the money is made in the consultation room. But there's another on which is just as critical to your success; the money is lost in operations.

For the last two months I've been working on building a new course for the Medical Spa MD Training Academy to fix that last problem - the one about money being lost in clinic operations.

As of the time of posting this it hasn't been launched, but you can see the course description and even see a few lessons for free here: The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint

Winners use systems. Loser have goals.

The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint is all about implementing and then using systems in your clinic to hit some very specific goals. 

  • Stop losing patients – You may not know how bad this really is but patient churn is killing your clinic's future revenue and value.
  • Less micro-management – Yeah. Get out of the minutia of every decision and put your staff on track to handle things themselves. It's empowering as an owner and a team member.
  • Work on your business, no in it. – If you feel like you have a job... enough said.
  • Lifestyle – When you have great systems that are used it really does feel like your clinic is running on autopilot.
  • Building value – If your clinic depends upon you being there, it's not a business, and the value of your clinic is determined solely by the estimated patient retention when you leave. Hint: Systems build much more valuable clinics.

This course is just one of many that we're going to be adding to the Training Academy. Clinical training, business training, staff training... we've got a lot of work to do.

Note: If you're not already a Training Academy Member join now. You'll get first shot at all new courses and discounts for members.

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