Your Medical Spa & Laser Clinic Advertising Sucks
I hate to tell you this, but your advertising sucks.
That's alright. Your competitors advertising sucks too.
In the last ten years that I've been around medical spas, laser clincs, dermatologist practices and plastic surgery centers, I've seen a lot of sucky advertising.
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It's more than just a little appropriate if you apply it to the marketing and advertisng of cosmetic practices. After all, the're generally small businesses in which the owner is in there working all day making the payments. It's no wonder that with; no training, no resources, no access, and no working knowlegde of how to really market and advertise... the typical medspa or plastic surgeon relies mostly on the 'vendors' to try to get some littel bit of name recognition.
And the vendors love to help you (if you're producing for them) by giving you a hundred brochures or postcards that tout 'their' product.
And docs are tripping all over themselves to try to get this stuff.
So, we're going to be doing something about that. We're going to to offer some actual advertising and marketing umph that a few of the smarter docs on the site will be able to take advantage of.
We're going to be launching a marketing and advertising portal for plastic surgeons, dermatologists, medical spa and laser clinics.
We've been working on it for the last six months already.
It's still about a month away but I've been pretty excited about it and thought it about time to show a little leg.
This new portal will be designed specifically around providing the highest quality marketing and advertising for cosmetic medical practices. The idea will be to provide entire, integrated campaigns that will give you the ability to have the same look and feel across your entire presence; business cards, postcards, brochures, flyers, posters, emails... all of it.
Sure, there might be another clinic somewhere that's using the same theme, but what will you care? You'll be paying pennies on the dollar for what you'd pay to have this work done exclusively for you and you'll be able to look a lot bigger than you are.
I may be jumping the gun just a little in this but, damn, I've seen the stuff and it rocks!
Oh, and by the way, this stuff wasn't put together by some teenagers or housewives with photoshop. We've scored some fantastic talent, from art directors to writers who have worked on huge accounts.
So, there are a few things left to do, but it's all coming together. Stay tuned.
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