What Should Your Medical Spa Post On Facebook
We started with what to do if your medical spa doesn't have any Facebook fans. But 'content' that your patients want is what will drive readership.
Once your medical spa or plastic surgery marketing page is built and you've have a kickoff to get local potential patients aware of you, you should have at least several dozen people on your Facebook and Twitter pages. The next step? Engaging them.
Always keep in mind the kind of in your face exposure this is going to bring. When people are your fan or follower, whatever you write is going to appear in their "feed." When people sign in to Facebook and Twitter, they are presented with a list of posts from everyone they have opted to follow.
For example, when your made-up cousin Sally logs in to her Facebook account, she sees a post from her college boyfriend, a note from her mom, an invitation to a Tupperware party from her neighbor, and if she is a fan of your practice, your latest post.
If you are posting things that don't interest her, it is extremely easy for her to delete you from her account. If you are posting things that interest her or add value to her Facebook experience, it is extremely easy for her to recommend you to her friends. If you don't have something good to say, don't bother!
Facebook is great for embedded multimedia like pictures, video, and links, so simply writing text like "Come in and get Restylane for your lips, everyone is doing it!" is like buying a Ferrari and keeping it in first gear. Instead, show people why they should come in and get Restylane injections.
An easy to digest mix of entertainment, usable tips, and reality content that shows off what you do best is a winning formula. For example, over the course of a week, you could compare "The Octomom" Nadya Suleman's "trout pout" lip filler results with your own before/afters, have your aesthetician give ten winter makeup tips, and post a hand-held video (using a FlipHD video camera) that one of your assistants shot of you performing a procedure.
Posting your own reality content can even garner local media attention, just for the novelty that you are performing cosmetic surgery or injecting Botox live on Facebook.
Any of this content that showcases your expertise in a fun and interesting way provides you with easy exposure. Keep your website URL and phone number in several places on your fan page, so if someone sees something that sparks their interest, they can get in touch with you.
The biggest follow up question many doctors ask after this is, "How often should I post?" As it says above, if you don't have something good to say, don't bother. Just posting endless plastic surgery liposuction ads or touting your laser hair removal treatments is a short trip to the off-list. But, if you have quality content, then set up a schedule and figure out what you'll do for the next month.
Give your patients a feeling that they know you. A post every other day is fine to start and the more personal the content is, the better.
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