Dr. Thomas E. Young's available training dates for 2012 for his CME Awake Tumescent Laser Liposuction Course Beginner with hands On "6 Steps to Good Results"
Includes laser, ultrasound and water jet liposuction devices and techniques.
This 2 day course provides 17.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ to course attendees from AKH, Inc. - Advanced Knowledge in Healthcare. This 2-Day course is beginning level training that includes didactic discussion, observation and hands-on cases.
Course dates for 2012:
- March 32-24
- June 15-16
- August 17-18
- October 19-20
- December 14-15
Visit the registration page here

Many physicians across the U.S. have spent time with Dr. Thomas E. Young learning the various techniques and aspects of awake tumescent liposuction.
If you are a licensed physician and are interested in beginner to intermediate level training in Laser, Ultrasound, Water Jet liposuction, or tumescent anesthesia, Dr. Young is offering a two-day program with hands-on experience.
If you are interested in training with Dr. Young, please complete the form below for submission and specify the type of training you are looking to achieve and what dates you are interested in.
One of our staff members will contact you to discuss with you any questions you may have, available dates, and the needs of your visit.
The fee for this two-day course is $4995.00.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the educational activity, participants should be able to:
- Describe the process involved during the patient's first and second Awake Tumescent Liposuction consultations;
- Discuss the risks associated with Laser, Ultrasound and Water Jet Liposuction & Tumescent Anesthesia;
- Demonstrate proper marking and positioning of the patient for Awake Tumescent Liposuction;
- Compare average tumescent infiltration volumes for abdomen, waist, arms, and thighs;
- Describe symptoms of lidocaine toxicity;
- Describe the functions of various lipolysis devices, power outlets, wavelengths, and areas to be treated during the liposuction procedure;
- Demonstrate basic techniques relating to grid marking, hand piece manipulation, fanning, speed and clinical endpoints;
- Demonstrate fat harvesting through appropriate suction techniques;
- Discuss patient post-operative experiences and instructions;
- Delineate the necessary equipment needed for liposuction and emergency situations;
- Demonstrate the proper technique for mixing tumescent anesthesia.