Dr. Elan B. Singer, A Plastic Surgeon In Manhattan
NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Elan Singer is in one of the most competitive plastic surgery markets anywhere.
Plastic surgeon and naval reserve officer, Elan Singer MD is practicing on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. We got together with Dr. Singer and asked him what he's going to make sure his practice continues to thrive.
Name: Elan Singer, MD
Location: New York, NY
Website: ebsplasticsurgery.com
That's interesting: Dr. Singer has performed reconstructive surgery on patients from all over the world, including surgical missions to Haiti and Nigeria. Dr. Singer is also an officer in the United States Navy Reserve and performs monthly surgeries at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
Plastic Surgery vs. Dermatology Residency
/Plastic Surgery and Dermagology residencies are still hot. In fact, they're getting hotter as more young doctors look at the options available to them after graduation.
According to a recently released report, plastic surgery and dermatology are the most competitive specialties among medical students awaiting appointments to residency programs, reports the New York Times.
According to a report by the Washington-based Association of American Medical Colleges and the National Resident Matching Program, only 61 percent of seniors at American medical schools whose first choice was dermatology received a residency in that field last year. Compare that figure with 98 percent for those seeking internal medicine and 99 percent for family medicine.