Dr. Calvin Lee, Surgical Artistry In Modesto, California

Building and managing a medical spa, vein clinic and cosmetic practice with his plastic surgeon wife is truly a dream come true for this physician.

Dr. Lee, Modesto CA Surgeon

Name: Calvin Lee, MD
Location: Modesto, CA
Clinic: Surgical Artistry
Modesto Plastic Surgery
Websites: SurgeryToday.com, InjectionArtistry.comBigVeins.com

Thats interesting: Dr. Calvin Lee is a regional speaker for Allergan. He has lectured about the Latisse product in Reno, Fresno, Modesto, Santa Rosa, and Napa.

The genesis of Dr. Calvin Lee as an aesthetic physician

I was a busy general surgeon with a heavy load of trauma surgery. Conflicts with my six member general surgery group landed me without a job. This allowed me to reflect upon how I wanted to prioritize my time and my life. I wanted to spend more time growing artistically with my violin. I also wanted to continue making web pages to share information. And most importantly I wanted to spend more time with my wife who is a plastic surgeon. During my phase of soul-searching, I enrolled in a year long Medical Acupuncture course affiliated with Stanford University and added acupuncture to the list of skills that I have.

In 2006, my wife and I started Surgical Artistry which is mainly a plastic surgery practice.

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Dr. Karen B. Vaniver: A Plastic Surgeon in Seattle

Breast cancer advocate, Dr. Karen B. Vaniver is paying it forward from her plastic surgery clinic in Seattle, Washington.

Dr. Karen Vaniver

Name: Karen B. Vaniver, MD, FACS
Clinic: Seattle Plastic Surgery
Location: Seattle, WA
Website: drvaniver.com

That's interesting: Dr. Vaniver's essays on women in plastic surgery and the role of spiritual practice in plastic surgery have been published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. She has worked internationally with Interplast, a not-for-profit organization providing free reconstructive surgery for children and facilitates a support group named "Girltalk". She is the creator of Dr. Karen B. Vaniver Breast and Body Recovery Serum.

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