Tanning Industry Calls Warnings A "Sun Scare" Conspiracy By Doctors
If you're a dermatologist or physician who has warned patients about the dangers of tanning, you've been been labled part of "the Sun Scare people" who are "just like Big Tobacco, lying for money and killing people".
The tanning indusrty is changing the debate, moving the discussion from tanning's risks to a "deadly epidemic of vitamin D deficiendy and positioning itself as the more trustworthy source of information on tannings health effects.
Evidently the tanning indusrty is taking a page out of the big tabacco's book and now targeting physicians as part of a conspiracty out to protect their own financial interests, as well as using a few willing doctors to tout their own position.
Fairwarning.or has posted an article that you can read here: Burned By Health Warnings, Defiant Tanning Industry Assails Doctors, 'Sun Scare' Conspiracy
In the video, Levy is explicit about what salon employees are allowed to say at work and what they should say on their own time. He encourages the D-Angels to follow what he calls the “Clark Kent/Superman” model. Inside the salon, employees should be Clark Kents who refrain from making health claims about vitamin D and direct clients to industry websites that make pro-tanning claims that are carefully calibrated to stay inside legal bounds. Beyond salon walls, however, employees can spread their wings, becoming superheroes who expose the lies of sunscreen manufacturers and dermatologists and share the vitamin D gospel. “Outside the salon, you can be a D-Angel,” Levy says in the video. “You can promote a message to your friends and neighbors that the Sun Scare people are just like Big Tobacco, lying for money and killing people.”