Medical Spas + Student Doctors
Preparing for a future in cosmetic medicine as a medstudent or resident.
Here's a question I received from Josh:
I'm a medical student, and will be graduating med school in 5 weeks. I'm planning on doing a residency in Family Medicine, and I am curious as to what type of training is applicable to medspa's? What procedures should I try and focus on during residency? What can I do to learn more about building a practice after I finish my residency?
First, I'd suggest that any medschool student or resident check out the new community at Uncommon Student MD. We're building Uncommon as a sister site to Freelance MD by to address the specifics of how to control your medical career and lifestyle early on.
Second, I'd suggest that you take advantage of the the community here at Medical Spa MD. You may find a mentor and you can certainly find a lot of information and make some connections with physicians how have been around the cosmetic block.
Does anyone else have some advice for Josh or other medstudents who are looking at cosmetic medicine? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.